“YOU FIT: Leaving Rejection Behind” a free 30 day devotional

Free devotional

Whether you are dealing with a fresh and acutely painful rejection or you're dealing with lingering pain from your past that you are ready to jettison from your life, this devotional is for you. We go deep to discover what is at the root of your pain, the step-by-step process to heal from it, and godly, healthy ways to move forward.
     Get this devotional in your life and let's heal and cut the ties with the baggage of rejection.

SUBSCRIBE below and we’ll email you the link to the downloadable book!

get the Monday Connection Moment

Kick your week off with a powerful recharge as you realign your heart to the truth of God’s Word with a scripturally based blessing and prayer. Take a moment to connect to the Lord and set your mind on things above and commit your way to the Lord as the week begins.

PLUS: get Access to Exclusive Freebies
Subscriber resources Included:

  • New! The New testament Daily Reading Plan

  • “YOU FIT:Leaving rejection Behind” 30-Day Free Devotional

  • 4 Ways to Strengthen Yourself in the Lord

  • 5 Reasons God May Be silent

  • Printable Scripture Cards: Knowing your Abba’s Heart for you when you’re hurting

  • Women in Ministry: A Look at the Scriptures that Cause Some Confusion

  • “The 9 Steps to Cutting a Covenant” mini ebook

  • DOWNLOAD: Scriptural Arsenal to Fight Back Against Fear

  • Five Scriptures to Help You Sleep Article

  • The God’s Love is… Scripture resource printable

  • Where’s God in Times of Loneliness (article published in RELEVANT Magazine)

  • The Fighting Fire with Fire three-part video series


5 Things I wish Someone Had Told Me about Following My Dreams

A jam-packed video teaching offered HERE to help you, to give you the tools I wish I had had when I embarked on my journey!

A jam-packed video teaching offered HERE to help you, to give you the tools I wish I had had when I embarked on my journey!

For years I flirted with the idea of following the persistent Voice that called me out into the fullness of my calling. When I fully embraced what God was calling me to do, I was met with obstacles I never expected.

It taught me that I had assumptions buried in my heart about following my dreams and what it would be like.

I share this and more in my new offer, “5 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Following My Dreams” (ridiculously long title, but I mean every word!).

It’s a jam-packed video teaching offered HERE to help you, to give you the tools I wish I had had when I embarked on my journey!

50% of the proceeds will be donated to JUNTOS, a ministry to children in the “international district” of Albuquerque, New Mexico. learn more about their ministry HERE.

$30.00 US

New Testament Daily Reading Plan

Did you know you can read through the New Testament rather easily several times each year? I spend about 80% of my Daily Bible Study time in the Old Testament, and I felt the need for more of the NT. I started listening to the NT each morning on my phone in addition to my regular study time. By listening to only about 3 chapters each day, I could get through one Gospel and the remainder of the NT every two months. I have created a tiny chart to map out each 31 day month and each 30 day month.

Strengthening oneself in the Lord is a common phrase among Christians, but the veil is rarely raised to reveal exactly what that looks like. Read this FREE RESOURCE to discover the 4 main ways we can find strength in the toughest circumstances!

Strengthening oneself in the Lord is a common phrase among Christians, but the veil is rarely raised to reveal exactly what that looks like. Read this FREE RESOURCE to discover the 4 main ways we can find strength in the toughest circumstances!

I used to be crippled by fear. Having been a fearful child, and then having been abused, threatened and stalked as a young adult, my filter saw everything through a lens of fear. But then a series of events began to expose the true nature of fear!

I used to be crippled by fear. Having been a fearful child, and then having been abused, threatened and stalked as a young adult, my filter saw everything through a lens of fear. But then a series of events began to expose the true nature of fear! Pick up the FREE DOWNLOAD: Scriptural Arsenal to Fight Back Against Fear! Free to all my Subscribers! #FightingFear #FearAndFaith #FreePrintable #ScripturePrintable

I’m thrilled to bring my Friends the video series, “Fighting Fire with Fire.” Learn 3 KEYS to fight back when the enemy attacks. 1. Learn the enemy’s tactics. Pinpoint what the enemy is up to and fight more effectively! 2. Discover tools our disposal

I’m thrilled to bring my Friends the video series, “Fighting Fire with Fire.” Learn 3 KEYS to fight back when the enemy attacks. 1. Learn the enemy’s tactics. Pinpoint what the enemy is up to and fight more effectively! 2. Discover tools at our disposal for fighting back. What valuable clues can we glean from how Hezekiah fought? 3. Learn how to make the enemy regret coming against you! Look at these attacks like our Father does and get the good out of the bad things the enemy has tried to do.

Examine the translations, the methods of translations and the worldview that led to the confusion and conflict we have now. See what God really says and evaluate for yourself. #GoHome #WomenInMinistry

Examine the translations, the methods of translations and the worldview that led to the confusion and conflict we have now. See what God really says and evaluate for yourself. #GoHome #WomenInMinistry

Sometimes we just need a reminder – handy and ready to steady our hearts. I’ve developed free, printable Scripture cards to remind you of your Abba’s great compassion for you. #FreePrintable #ScriptureCards #Printable #Freebie

Sometimes we just need a reminder – handy and ready to steady our hearts. I’ve developed free, printable Scripture cards to remind you of your Abba’s great compassion for you. #FreePrintable #ScriptureCards #Printable #Freebie

“You Fit: Leaving Rejection Behind” Tired of “getting over” rejection only to have pain linger and plague your life? It’s time to go deep: discover the root of your pain, walk the steps to heal, and train yourself in healthy ways to move forward. Get

“You Fit: Leaving Rejection Behind” Tired of “getting over” rejection only to have pain linger and plague your life? It’s time to go deep: discover the root of your pain, walk the steps to heal, and train yourself in healthy ways to move forward. Get this devotional in your life and cut ties with rejection.

If God is speaking by using imagery that we don’t fully understand, it behooves us to LEARN IT! That’s where understanding COVENANT comes in. It is the imagery God has used from the beginning of time, imagery with which we have become unfamiliar. Le…

If God is speaking by using imagery that we don’t fully understand, it behooves us to LEARN IT! That’s where understanding COVENANT comes in. It is the imagery God has used from the beginning of time, imagery with which we have become unfamiliar. Let’s learn a few things about it and why it is important to us NOW! #FreeStuff #Ebook #Freebies

When you just can’t seem to hear God’s voice, let this Free Resource  help you troubleshoot what may be God’s reason for keeping silent. #FreeResource #Freebie #HearingGod

When you just can’t seem to hear God’s voice, let this Free Resource help you troubleshoot what may be God’s reason for keeping silent. #FreeResource #Freebie #HearingGod

Kick your week off with a powerful recharge as you realign your heart to the truth of God’s Word with a scripturally based blessing and prayer. Sign up for your Monday Connection Moment delivered right to your inbox! #FreeResource #Prayer

Kick your week off with a powerful recharge as you realign your heart to the truth of God’s Word with a scripturally based blessing and prayer. Sign up for your Monday Connection Moment delivered right to your inbox! #FreeResource #Prayer

I used to be crippled by fear. Having been a fearful child, and then having been abused, threatened and stalked as a young adult, my filter saw everything through a lens of fear. But then a series of events began to expose the true nature of fear! Pick up the FREE PRINTABLE: Scriptural Arsenal to Fight Back Against Fear! Free to all my Subscribers! #FightingFear #FearAndFaith #FreePrintable #ScripturePrintable

Scriptural Truths to CHANGE your life! Knowing God loves you is the foundation for your life and until you know it deeply in your soul, you will always be unstable in your faith. Learn the TRUTH and change your life! #GodsLove #FreePrintable #Freebi…

Scriptural Truths to CHANGE your life! Knowing God loves you is the foundation for your life and until you know it deeply in your soul, you will always be unstable in your faith. Learn the TRUTH and change your life! #GodsLove #FreePrintable #Freebie #Faith