Prayer resources
get the Monday Connection Moment
Kick your week off with a powerful recharge as you realign your heart to the truth of God’s Word with a Scripture-based blessing and prayer for your week. Take a moment to connect to the Lord and set your mind on things above and commit your way to the Lord as the week begins.
A reminder about prayer & blessing:
We all know that we should pray, but why bless? As believers, some of us shy away from blessings. We don’t want to appear to be greedy or selfish. But being blessed is not the exclusive domain of a religious framework that is all-about-me. Blessing is the trademark of God. It is who He is. He is a Bless-er.
What is the first thing God did when He created mankind? He blessed them (Gen. 1:28). What is the first word in the book of Psalms? “Blessed.” What is the first word from Jesus as he begins his public ministry? Again, “Blessed” (Matt. 5:3).
Our God is a Bless-er, and He calls us to bless each other (Num. 6:22-27). So please accept this blessing that I have prayerfully received for you from the Lord and receive it for yourself from Him.
As you pray the simple prayer for your week, bear in mind that prayer is not a mere recitation. Saying words heavenward doesn’t constitute prayer. As with all things in your walk with Jesus, it is all about relational connection.
If you are praying for your week and find your mind has been distracted and your heart disconnected (which happens to all of us from time to time), simply try again. Allow the eyes of your heart to exercise faith that the Omnipresent God is with you right where you are. See Him there and speak to Him. He is yours and you are His (Song 2:16). Let this prayer be the start of your conversation with your Good Shepherd (John 10:14-14, 27).
Be blessed and know that I am on the other end of this email, agreeing with you over these prayers and for the cries of your heart. As you are praying, I will also be praying for your week!
Under the Same Wing,
Matt. 18:19
More Resources on Prayer:
Vlogs on prayer:
What Kind of Pray-er are You?
How to Wait for Answered Prayers
The Most Important Thing Communicated by Prayer
A Prayer for Emotional Healing
Blogs on Prayer:
Ask the Lord
5 Reasons You May Be Having Trouble Hearing God