In a Ditch


The Uncomfortable Parts of Adventuring with God

If you’ve been around here for any length of time, you may have picked up on the fact that I love classic movies and literature. I especially love when classic literature is accurately set to film! Oh, the delight of watching (or reading) “Pride and Prejudice” for the first time! NOT the newer, Kiera Knightley version! – the hard-core five-hour BBC version with Colin Firth & Jennifer Ehle.

It may sound crazy, but God has revealed things to me in some of these movies on more than one occasion.

One cozy Fall day, I was snuggled in, watching “Persuasion,” a Jane Austen novel set to film. I was struck by a line in the movie that a young woman says to a young man. It goes something like this, “I’d rather be tossed in a ditch by the man I love…

One cozy Fall day, I was snuggled in, watching “Persuasion,” a Jane Austen novel set to film. I was struck by a line in the movie that a young woman says to a young man. It goes something like this, “I’d rather be tossed in a ditch by the man I love than to go steadily along without him.” (Caveat: “tossed in a ditch,” was not referring to abuse, but rather living a thrillingly adventurous life alongside her husband.) It made me think of my own adventures with God. #ChristianBlog #Adventure

One cozy Fall day, I was snuggled in, watching “Persuasion,” another of Jane Austen’s novels set to film. I was struck by a particular line in the movie that a young woman says to the young man she wants to marry. It goes something like this, “I’d rather be tossed in a ditch by the man I love than to go steadily along without him.” (Caveat: By “tossed in a ditch,” the young woman was not referring to abuse, but rather living a thrillingly adventurous life alongside her husband.)

It made me think of my own adventures with God.

Indeed, the life we live with God is not always safe. It is not always a life that is comfortable or easy.

It is not easy to step out in a new direction as the Lord has instructed when the old direction is what is expected of you. It is genuinely hard to face the criticism and judgment that comes with living for Jesus. It feels unsafe at times to reach out to a hostile stranger and reflect the love of our Abba. It is not comfortable to deny yourself and take up your cross to follow Jesus.

Nevertheless, we are not here for our comfort, but for our growth and the growth of the Kingdom.

The hand of my Abba will care for me and guide me through the ditch and into the Promised Land. Until He does, I will be here in the ditch, knowing He is with me. I will keep my eyes trained beyond the chaos and threatened catastrophes of our times.…

The hand of my Abba will care for me and guide me through the ditch and into the Promised Land. Until He does, I will be here in the ditch, knowing He is with me. I will keep my eyes trained beyond the chaos and threatened catastrophes of our times. I will fix my eyes on the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around those forces arrayed against me and declare, “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them!” (2Kings 6:8-23). #LifeQuotes

And sometimes “stepping out” is just the beginning of the path that begins with a decision and continues each day with a refreshed choice to follow when you’ve inexplicably found yourself in that proverbial ditch.

Regardless of whether my circumstances feel the way I think they ought, whether or not I understand them, I can stand firm and say, “I am in God’s hands and regardless of the outcome, I will hold on to the One Who holds me together.”

Like the character in “Persuasion,” I know it is safer, wiser and more to be desired to fall into a ditch while on this wild adventure with God than to keep to the safe and steady path without Him.

The hand of my Abba will care for me and guide me through the ditch and into the Promised Land.

Until He does, I will be here in the ditch, knowing He is with me. I will keep my eyes trained beyond the chaos and threatened catastrophes of our times. I will fix my eyes on the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around those forces arrayed against me and declare, “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them!” (2 Kings 6:8-23).

“I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1-2 

To read about “What Was So Wrong About the Israelites’ Complaints? ,” click HERE!

Make sure you get my Printable Scripture Cards: “Knowing Your Abba’s Heart for You When You’re Hurting”! They are great for remembering the comforting truths of God’s love and care for you. Click HERE to get your copy!