As is true for all of us, there was a war being waged over my childhood heart and mind: Whose words would I allow to shape and mold me in my formative years and even in my adulthood? I believed the words of others. I accepted the labels others plastered onto my identity. In the process, I betrayed myself, my true self.
Speeding is one of those things that we’ve all done at one time or another. And we don’t generally see much harm when everyone else is going much faster than we are. But the Lord showed me how we often fall into this trap in our spiritual lives too: Thinking that if we aren’t the worst offenders, there’s really no offense at all. How does God see this? Read the full blog post to see a different, perhaps unique, perspective.
I want to be loved and appreciated. No surprise there! We all want that, right? But sometimes we begin to wonder if those near us really love us for what we do more than who we are. We can even begin to wonder if God loves us with ulterior motives. How can we know?