Are you setting goals this New Year? If you are, I’m sure you have the best of intentions. Many of us make goals, but few stick with them. How can you craft goals that are keep-able and that you actually WANT to keep? I’d like to help! I’ve had New Years goals for nearly every year of my life and I think I’ve learned a thing or two that I’d love to pass on to you!
As the New Year was rolling around, I was feeling more and more dread of starting up my blog once again. As I began to seek the Lord He showed me that, at least for the time being, He wanted the blog to be simpler and more about my personal daily journey
To resolve or not to resolve! That’s so often the question as the New Year rolls in. But why should we set goals and what should my goals be framed around? Should I have grace for myself when I blow it with my goals (and I WILL blow it!)? On the blog I’ve pulled together advice for goal setting and a reminder for how the Lord sees the whole thing.