Birth is so natural to us, clearly our expectation. But death? Death is different. Death is unnatural. We stand in the face of death with mouths agape, wondering what and why and how. No matter how expected, no matter how sweet the home-going, death’s finality and foreignness shakes us. Why? We can tell our intellect that death is as natural as birth, but why does it still grieve and bewilder?
It’s been three years since my Dad passed away. It’s still hard. But seen from the right perspective, death is little more than a narrow passageway to life. I have things in my life that appear dead, that feel dead. Or perhaps, they are just waiting on a resurrection.
As believers in Jesus Christ, we are called to new life. What a blessed privilege! And although the pathway to this new life is counter intuitive, it makes sense to us spiritually. Are we able to get past the hurdles that keep us stagnant in our old life and receive the offer of new life that Christ died to purchased?
Barabbas. He's kind of a vague person in history. All we really know is that he was released from prison, chosen to be freed by the people while Jesus was crucified. But there is a Barabbas in me, in all of us...
Resurrection. We are so familiar with the resurrection of our Lord, but it is also a beautiful picture for us as believers. What secrets does it whisper to our hearts?