You May be the Answer!
Someone is waiting….
You May be the Answer!
You never know when it will happen. You could be in the middle of the most mundane task or behind schedule and racing to your next meeting. It could completely take you by surprise or you may be on the lookout. It will likely start simply and without warning.
A Divine appointment.
Have you ever prayed for a struggling person, prayed that the Lord would show up for them by sending someone to encourage, strengthen, bless them? I know I have. And whether it’s a wayward child or a distant relative in the hospital, we pray that they would meet the right person at the right time who would be able to speak the words that they, perhaps, no longer hear from our familiar lips. We pray for divine appointments. Why? Maybe we’ve experienced them. We’ve had people, seemingly out of nowhere, speak right to the situation we are facing.
But have you ever considered that you may be the divine appointment someone else is waiting on? You may have the words of life that pierce the darkness that veils another human heart. It may be your thoughtfulness that dismantles the foothold the enemy has established in a person’s life. You may be the divine appointment that someone else has prayed would meet their loved one.
Are we on the lookout? While it may be true that these things sometimes happen when you least expect it, it is also true that they are given space to happen when we are aware that they may and are willing to lay aside our hustle to minister.
I think this is how Jesus lived. He says He lived looking for what the Father was doing and joining in. He lived aware that people had needs that could be met if He was aware. There was a demoniac who “just happened” to be where they landed their boat, a hurting woman who “just happened” to come to draw water while Jesus sat there alone, a blind man who Jesus bumped into as Pharisees pursued Him to stone Him. He was aware of things most would miss: an unclean woman pressing through a throng to touch His robe, an ordinary funeral procession for an only son, a short man clambering up a tree to catch a better glimpse of Him.
It’s how Jesus lived and it’s how He taught us to live.
God chooses to use us, the frail and constantly missing-it human beings that He created. I know He will occasionally send an angel to get a job done, but I think He gets more glory when He uses a weaker, less impressive creation, a creation that has a choice to follow His example of circumspect living.
Look around you. Have the courage to reach beyond yourself. You may just be the answer to someone’s prayer.
“And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then I said, ‘Here I am! Send me.’” Isaiah 6:8
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