Embarrassingly, there have been times in my past when I thought that I was the chosen instrument of change in someone’s life. Read the blog to see how the Lord revealed His heart and showed me just how different His ways are from mine.
Life often threatens to pounce. I am often, way too gullible and unaware that “the game is afoot” and, in my ignorance, get tagged into running and chasing and left huffing and puffing. Learn what tools the Lord offers to keep us from the wearying, out-of-breath life!
So you want to be used by God? Who doesn’t!? Here’s a simple way that you can cooperate with what God is doing — and anyone can do it! Someone may be praying for a loved one right now — and You May Be the Answer!
I am passionate about living my life from the perspective of eternity. Usually that lights a fire under me, but on this occasion, the Lord gave me the conviction that I needed to not make such a big deal out of some things in my life!
At one point in my life, I was faced with so much denominational strife that I cried out to God saying I would rather remain voiceless than enter the fray. At that moment He gave me a Scripture that has become the plumb-line for my heart in this matter.
I have an unfortunate tendency to take things personally when people go out of their way to hurt me. But as I've been given "opportunities" to learn how to deal with "jerks," I've learned 3 very important things.
Most people go through a season of loneliness. When we are in the midst of it, we can feel we are the only ones to ever feel the sting of isolation and the rejection we think it implies. Yet we are not alone and there is a purpose to the season. Exploring and learning from this season not only ushers us out of the season, it will develop Christ-likeness if we allow it.
All fires die out if they aren't stoked. And refreshingly icy water gradually settles into tepid tastelessness. Is there a remedy for us when this happens in our walk with the Lord?
Life becomes drudgery when we don't invest in our well being by having fun! But is this Biblical? Are we supposed to have fun? Read my latest blog entry and give me your feedback on your views of fun and how you have it. Most importantly, remind yourself today to HaVe FuN!
Sometimes I feel so weighted down by all the things I'm told I should or could be doing. How do we decide what to cut and what to keep when it's all just too much?
Negativity can steal your strength and sap your joy. And it can become an immovable mountain when we decide to agree with the enemy and join him in his accusations. But so many of us do just that without realizing what we're doing!
The transient nature of our lives leaves us all feeling a bit lost at times, without shelter and security. But no matter where we are or who we’re with, we can always feel we are at home.