It’s way too easy for us to imagine that we will know what to do and how to react in the moments we are called to follow onto the waves. It all seems so straightforward from the sidelines. But it is in the stepping out that we find out what is really lurking inside our hearts and minds.
How effective do you desire to be in your daily work? Whatever field we are in, our work has eternal value. How can we make sure we are having the impact the Lord intends us to have?
Have you ever felt that you’ve missed it? - that one chance; that perfect timing; that singular opportunity for seeing the fulfillment of your dearest dreams? Well, not only are you not alone, there’s only two things you really need to do about it. I learned this during a recent conversation I had with the Lord and it brought such relief and peace to me, that I just had to share it with you.
Have you ever felt stuck? - just absolutely wedged between the impossibilities of life? Look out! Something beautiful happens when everything feels impossible!