We have all heard how the Lord can do wonderful miracles for people, can thrust them into their Promised Land and the giants simply let them in and hand over the deed to the land. It happens. But then there are other times, the majority of times, when blessings come at great cost or after great battles in which nothing came easily. Does that mean God wasn’t in it?
Everything in the process of developing and refining seems to take much more time and effort than I had bargained for. But my Abba Father, the Potter, knows what He is doing..... Read the full blog to learn about the essential journey of process and how we can trust the Potter in the midst of it.
I thought I could, through ample complaints and tears, pull God to my way of thinking. It wasn’t working. Instead, in the relative silence around me I heard, in my spirit, a voice speak so distinctly that I turned to see if it had been my dad in the kitchen two rooms away. This Voice did not speak words of comfort and reassurance, though I found comfort and reassurance in them. It did not speak an answer to my problem, though it was my answer for what to do right in that moment.
Have you ever felt that you’ve missed it? - that one chance; that perfect timing; that singular opportunity for seeing the fulfillment of your dearest dreams? Well, not only are you not alone, there’s only two things you really need to do about it. I learned this during a recent conversation I had with the Lord and it brought such relief and peace to me, that I just had to share it with you.
Have you ever felt stuck? - just absolutely wedged between the impossibilities of life? Look out! Something beautiful happens when everything feels impossible!
Ever feel like you can’t see where you’re going? I know I have. What’s next? Where am I supposed to go from here? I may know where I want to go, but I just can’t seem to get there. What we do in those moments is critically important and communicates our beliefs more than we may realize or even like.
Want to reduce your stress and all the things that scream at you to do them RIGHT NOW? Want to drive in the most advantageous lane toward your destiny? Hustle is great, but sometime hustle is a treadmill to nowhere! Come read my blog for help evaluating if your hustle is heathy and helpful!
Most people go through a season of loneliness. When we are in the midst of it, we can feel we are the only ones to ever feel the sting of isolation and the rejection we think it implies. Yet we are not alone and there is a purpose to the season. Exploring and learning from this season not only ushers us out of the season, it will develop Christ-likeness if we allow it.
I'm the super organized and efficient type. Some may say control freak, but I prefer to see it as a strength that just needs flexibility! But what do I do when everything in my life looks out of control? What about all the answers for the future that I need?
Is the "someday" myth holding you back? It can be a powerful illusion that keeps you stuck in the waiting room of life. What are you waiting for? It's time for you to get un-stuck!