I want to retain in my conscious mind that the Presence of God is always with me and tangible and not allow God to get relegated, even for a short time, to my subconscious. Come learn the deliciously simple way my Friend’s advice helps me and can help you too in your endeavor to pray without ceasing.
Trying to hear our Heavenly Father often comes with real effort and practice to press in to feel that whisper stirring in our hearts. At other times, life seems to be collapsing at our feet or an immediate decision is required, but it seems we’ve suddenly lost our connection to the still small voice that guides us so gently. Why?
Admittedly, there are dry areas in the Bible. But I’ve always figured, if God wrote a book with limited space, everything in it must be for my benefit. Having recently read through one of “those” sections, the Lord graciously showed me part of His purpose in these more challenging passages.
I thought I could, through ample complaints and tears, pull God to my way of thinking. It wasn’t working. Instead, in the relative silence around me I heard, in my spirit, a voice speak so distinctly that I turned to see if it had been my dad in the kitchen two rooms away. This Voice did not speak words of comfort and reassurance, though I found comfort and reassurance in them. It did not speak an answer to my problem, though it was my answer for what to do right in that moment.
The boy was talking a mile a minute, spewing out every excuse in the book, all while wearing a mischievous smirk. The frustrating thing is that he would have enjoyed the lesson had he not been so intent on playing this role he slipped into on a daily basis. Education requires great teachers, but it also requires pupils who are willing to learn. What kind of pupil are you?