The Pain of Persistence

Are you battling discouragement as you fight for your dreams? Don't quit! God won't drag you to your dreams. You have to keep fighting! If you quit now, the only thing you'll be left with is regret. #WaitingOnGod #NoPainNoGain #Vlog

Are you battling discouragement as you fight for your dreams? Don't quit! God won't drag you to your dreams. You have to keep fighting! If you quit now, the only thing you'll be left with is regret. #WaitingOnGod #NoPainNoGain #Vlog

Are you battling discouragement as you fight for your dreams? Don't quit! God won't drag you to your dreams. You have to keep fighting! If you quit now, the only thing you'll be left with is regret.


FOR MORE on maintaining your faith while you wait, view the vlog, "Eleven Days Part 1" here: