The holidays are upon us! And here are FOUR things I’m wanting you to remember. (Also, get my Rejection Resources at under the RESOURCES tab !)
I am grateful for the people God has placed in my life. But they are neither infallible nor omnipresent! There will be times when everyone is unavailable or when you feel that no one meets your needs. These times remind us that there is only One we should fully lean on. He will provide all the support we need when we choose Him first.
Success is a big deal in our culture. If you’re not feeling “successful” today, please let me challenge you that you simply may not be looking broad enough. Zoom out from your view of your life. More may be happening than you realize!
If our goal is to become more and more like Jesus, what is one of the biggest areas that can trip us up and give us an accurate assessment of our progress? You may not like the answer!
In the “Cancel Culture” we are currently living in, I wonder how Jesus would respond. When dealing with difficult people, how do we stay emotionally safe while not falling into the trap of ungodly “canceling”?
Whether you’re feeling particularly blessed or not, you have something to offer! And it’s an offering that is intended for you to give away. Who are you going to allow your blessings to pour out onto today?
Are you struggling today with areas of emotional weakness that the enemy always seems to be taking advantage of? Take a listen as we pray together for healing of those areas.
I was thinking the other day about the “cancel culture” craze we find ourselves in and heard the Lord speak these words so clearly to my heart. May we choose love, choose to lay our lives down and choose healing.
Life isn’t always easy. Hard, even tremendously painful, things happen. When they happen to me, I’ve made the commitment to God that I will let Him use them for His glory. Here’s one way I do that.
Is God calling you to stand up for yourself? Or is He calling you to lay your life down? Either way, He is never calling you to be a victim. Listen in to discover why!
By the time Jesus walked the earth, the heroic and admirable sect of the Pharisees had largely denigrated to a group that was characterized by having a “religious spirit.” What is a “religious spirit” and is it something we need to be concerned with in ourselves today?
No matter where you find yourself today, no matter how overlooked or underutilized you feel, God sees the excellence with which you do your work. You are doing all things for His glory and as though you are working directly for Him!
Why does God delay when I need Him to move NOW? Is He struggling to come up with the miraculous intervention I need? What does Jesus’ delay in helping Lazarus show us about God’s timing?
Rough year? I firmly believe that this has been more than just a rough year; it’s been a pivotal year in which we are not battling against flesh and blood, but against a very real enemy. And I’d love to help you stay equipped and strong for the battle.
God has given you responsibilities. He’s given you areas where you are supposed to be in charge of what is permissible in your life and, potentially, the lives of others. We need to stay watchful over those responsibilities!
As we pray in agreement against the deception trying to invade our world, what should be first on our list? Us! What pride it would be to assume that we know all and it is only others that have bought into lies! Where has the Lord broken off deception in YOU this year?