Give the Truth about God

People are searching for what is true about the Gospel (The Good News)! But if we are weak in our communication of the Gospel - if we give an unbalanced, inauthentic representation of God’s passionate love and utter holiness - we are in danger of mi…

People are searching for what is true about the Gospel (The Good News)! But if we are weak in our communication of the Gospel - if we give an unbalanced, inauthentic representation of God’s passionate love and utter holiness - we are in danger of misrepresenting God! #Gospel #Preach #GoodNews #Vlog

People are searching for what is true about the Gospel (The Good News)! But if we are weak in our communication of the Gospel - if we give an unbalanced, inauthentic representation of God’s passionate love and utter holiness - we are in danger of misrepresenting God!
FOR MORE on “What Does Celebrating Communicate,” click here: