One Misconception About Forgiveness

Coming out of abuse and trauma, I had a lot to heal from. But there was one obstacle to healing that wasn’t going anywhere until I did one vitally important thing. #Forgiveness #OvercomingTrauma #Vlog #ChristianVlog

Coming out of abuse and trauma, I had a lot to heal from. But there was one obstacle to healing that wasn’t going anywhere until I did one vitally important thing. #Forgiveness #OvercomingTrauma #Vlog #ChristianVlog

Coming out of abuse and trauma, I had a lot to heal from. But there was one obstacle to healing that wasn’t going anywhere until I did one vitally important thing.


FOR MORE on “Weeding Out,” click here:


AND to hear the vlog about how there is “More Than One Plan for Your Life,” click here: or the vlog called, “Control Issues” here: