Seasons In Prayer Join for more In your prayer life, you will experience seasons. Some of those times make no sense to us, but God has a purpose in it. Take a listen to what I’ve experienced when it comes to hearing the voice of God. #ChristianVlog #ChristianBlog #Prayer In your prayer life, you will experience seasons. Some of those times make no sense to us, but God has a purpose in it. Take a listen to what I’ve experienced when it comes to hearing the voice of God.::FOR MORE on being “Ready to Quit Your Resolutions?,” click here: Best Life, intimacy with God, PrayerAmi LoperApril 22, 2021seasons in prayer, prayer, intimacy with God, How to hear God, hear God, hearing God, speaking to God, praying, prayer life, listening prayer, Ami, Amy Loper, Ami Loper, vlogger, vlog, Christian vlog, christian vlogger, message clip, cant hear GodComment Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 Pinterest0 0 Likes