The holidays are upon us! And here are FOUR things I’m wanting you to remember. (Also, get my Rejection Resources at under the RESOURCES tab !)
Rest. It is not an option. And it is NOT a reward for getting all your work done. It is the wise way to live that God instructed us in so that we can actually be MORE productive and healthy in every aspect of our lives.
Waiting. I don’t like it. In our modern world, we rarely need to exercise our waiting ability, but God hasn’t changed. He still does things on His wise timetable. What can we look to that will give us hope for the changes we are waiting on?
The very nature of God is to redeem. When we place our difficulties in His hands, redemption is what will naturally come about! What are you placing in His hands today?
Times of unbelief come to all. It is often the place where genuine beliefs are birthed! So how do we deal with these times of unbelief so that we grow stronger and more fortified in our faith?
I am grateful for the people God has placed in my life. But they are neither infallible nor omnipresent! There will be times when everyone is unavailable or when you feel that no one meets your needs. These times remind us that there is only One we should fully lean on. He will provide all the support we need when we choose Him first.
Are you seeking blessings that would make it so that you no longer need to be dependent on God? I’m not sure that’s the best way to grow stronger. Listen in as I explain.
This world is FULL of the clamor of many voices. There are good things to listen to, but when we hear something that doesn’t line up with the truth of God’s Word, what is our responsibility?
As Christians, we can sometimes be guilty of throwing around phrases that leave others in the dark. We want to be spiritual people, but, for Heaven’s sake! - let’s be practical too!! Get the FREE RESOURCE called, “4 Ways to Strengthen Yourself in the Lord” at under the RESOURCES tab!
Why do we sometimes doubt God’s love for us? What does it all stem from? Listen in to learn more and get my FREE PRINTABLE RESOURCE, “God’s Love Is...” in order to get rooted and grounded in the truth about God’s love for YOU! Pick it up today at under the RESOURCES TAB!
Sometimes the Lord shows me things in the oddest of ways! Have you ever seen a dog on a leash with its owner and wondered, “Gee! Who’s walking whom?” Well, this is what God showed me one day.
Has it ever occurred to you that you may be hearing God more than you think you are? Sometimes we get so caught up in our preconceived notions or our past ways of hearing that we can miss what’s right in front of us. Take a listen as I explain and get the FREE RESOURCE mentioned by clicking on the RESOURCES tab at !
In your prayer life, you will experience seasons. Some of those times make no sense to us, but God has a purpose in it. Take a listen to what I’ve experienced when it comes to hearing the voice of God.
Are you struggling today with areas of emotional weakness that the enemy always seems to be taking advantage of? Take a listen as we pray together for healing of those areas.
Each of us come to prayer uniquely - that’s a GOOD THING! Yes, we all need sanctifying, but how God created you is a wonder. The people in the Bible were unique, too, and I’ve created a fun quiz to give you insight on who in the Bible you are most like and give you insights for why your type is essential and ways you may need to bring it into more balance. “Discover Your Biblical Personality”
“Praying without ceasing.” It’s a mandate in Scripture that many struggle with. I think one of the main reasons we struggle is that we can’t imagine what it looks like to pray continually and how it fits in our crazy busy lives. Maybe we are just overthinking it! Regardless of the reason, I hope this helps you understand how it is possible and how vital it is to your spiritual health.