God has always used ordinary people to do extraordinary things. But many times our own thinking about ourselves gets in the way of being used! Does our opinion of ourselves count?
How much “religious activity” have we added to what God wants from us? Afflicting ourselves, if it is to try to gain God’s favor, reflects a perception of God that denies much more prominent aspects of His heart and character!
Do you find yourself on a constant search, always trying to fill a void? Perhaps you’ve repeatedly had that void filled only to find it empty again. What will fill you up and give you overflowing life?
Are you imperfect? Join the club that includes all of humanity! But don’t allow your imperfections to accuse you and keep you from doing all God is calling you to do. Place yourself in His hands to purify AND to use.
My life feels turned upside-down at times: nothing makes logical sense and there's no completion in the areas I'm waiting on God for. How can I know that God will let me see that completion I so long for?
When you're listening for God's voice, are you making sure you are hearing accurately by keeping these basic safeguards in place? Knowing God's Word and His character are so important!