If you are looking to develop in your faith, and come into more and more freedom in your life, JOIN ME! I would love to share the journey with you and share what I have learned and am learning in my journey. JOIN ME by subscribing HERE!
When I was a kid walking home from school, I’d often find myself simply walking as fast as I could, head down, staring at my shoes. I found it was the quickest way to get home. But in the journey of life, simply arriving quickly is not the goal! Do you want more than a quick trip from Point A to Point B? What could make life DIFFERENT?
Some say that the Israelites could have journeyed to the Promised Land in eleven days. But how is that thinking setting our own faith journey up for failure?
Is it possible for our faith to increase and grow stronger as we wait (and wait and wait) for a promise to be fulfilled? It seems Abraham knew the secret!