“Hosanna!” It’s a Word we often say in church and songs, but what does it actually mean? More significantly, what happened to that word by the time Jesus entered Jerusalem at the Triumphal Entry that can speak volumes to us today?
I want to be like one of those from the Old Testament who are said to have “walked with God,” don’t you? I want that to be what I’m characterized by, but what exactly would “walking with God” look like?
When our world seems to be falling apart, we can feel compelled to DO SOMETHING! It is at this critical juncture that we must devote ourselves to doing only what we hear the Lord prompting us to do.
Two keys for prayer wrapped up in one verse! Are we onboard with what God is doing? And are we depending solely on Him, not leaning on superstitions or what we think we can make happen on our own?
The Word of God tells us that we are “regenerated,” but what does that mean? Are we, as Believers, now slightly better versions of ourselves or is it something more?
I’m not advocating being a “weirdo for Jesus,” but people should be able to tell that something is pleasantly different about you. What does the Bible say about it? Listen to this one minute Thursday Thought and find out!
God tells us in His Word that we can cast all our anxieties on Him because He cares for us. But how do we do that and what does He mean when He says He cares? Take a listen!
You are a creation of God and He designed you for the time and the place into which you were born. He has a plan and others need you! Listen to how the Word of God demonstrates this Truth!
Time in the Word of God is essential for the Christian life, but there’s something so much more important: What does God want from your time in His Word?
Are you feeling depleted and worn out from trying to do #allthethings? That’s no way to live! That’s not what your loving Heavenly Father has asked of you! What has He asked you to do? Take a listen!
If Jesus memorized Scripture to be prepared for battle with the enemy, shouldn’t we build an arsenal with which to fight and with which to build ourselves up?
If you are feeling like you are constantly stuck in a circuit of trying and failing, Paul shows us the only way to get off that merry-go-round. It’s not by reliance on our power, but only by reliance on One power.
Are you an over-thinker like me? I used to think peace would come once I had figured everything out. Sadly, that was the worst way to try to find peace! Here is a much better way.
Have you ever wondered why Christians see things about God that others just cannot see? Here’s why! There’s things that only those within a relationship can understand about each other.
Too often we think that JOY is in the realm of the world, instead of the heritage of Believers. But, among all the amazing things that Jesus came to give, He also came to bring you JOY!