This isn’t true 100% of the time. But it is supremely valuable to check our hearts for the slow growth of spiritual apathy. Do we want that in our lives? Of course not! We are called to fight alongside the Lord. And if we are to fight together, we had better know what He’s telling us about the battle plan! Then let’s pray the battle plan, not wish-washy prayers.
Are you an over-thinker like me? I used to think peace would come once I had figured everything out. Sadly, that was the worst way to try to find peace! Here is a much better way.
Have you ever wondered why Christians see things about God that others just cannot see? Here’s why! There’s things that only those within a relationship can understand about each other.
Too often we think that JOY is in the realm of the world, instead of the heritage of Believers. But, among all the amazing things that Jesus came to give, He also came to bring you JOY!
Recent events are causing many to be confused about the call of God on their lives and the voices in ministry that they listen to. But God is not confused. Let’s dive deep into what the Word of God REALLY says and turn this from an opportunity for anger and disunity to an opportunity to learn and stand up for Truth!
In the Gospels, how was it possible that so many heard and saw all that Jesus did, yet turned away with an apathetic shrug? And why were there many for whom the truth about Jesus was crystal clear? Part of the answer lies in the ministry of John the Baptist.
People are searching for what is true about the Gospel (The Good News)! But if we are weak in our communication of the Gospel - if we give an unbalanced, inauthentic representation of God’s passionate love and utter holiness - we are in danger of misrepresenting God!
We may all know that we are to trust in God for everything, but, practically speaking, what does trust look like? How does it play out in the day to day tests and trials we face?
If you are looking to develop in your faith, and come into more and more freedom in your life, JOIN ME! I would love to share the journey with you and share what I have learned and am learning in my journey. JOIN ME by subscribing HERE!
There’s an attitude that is often adopted by us that is NOT Biblical! It may sound like trust, but this is where trust slips into abdicating our God-given authority!
Many of us have, at one time or another, fallen into the lie of believing that if something has happened, it must be the will of God - even if it is a horrible thing that has come upon us! But where does that belief really originate?
It’s always wise to do a check on our personal doctrine. There are many areas we may be allowing things in that aren’t Biblical, things that masquerade as “new” or “enlightened,” but are really deceiving us.
I am ALL about getting as much cultural context as possible when it comes to reading the Word of God. It’s one of my favorite things to do! But occasionally when we DON’T know all the details, it helps us examine ourselves instead of dismissing old issues as out of date or something we are immune to now.
Is it really important that I run to the Lord in prayer all the time? Does the Lord look for us to grow up and be a little less dependent? Maybe I should just figure things out on my own!