Posts tagged Decision Making Skills
Leftovers & Judgment

I am passionate about living my life from the perspective of eternity. Usually that lights a fire under me, but on this occasion, the Lord gave me the conviction that I needed to not make such a big deal out of some things in my life!

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Navigating When You Can't See What's Next

Ever feel like you can’t see where you’re going? I know I have. What’s next? Where am I supposed to go from here? I may know where I want to go, but I just can’t seem to get there. What we do in those moments is critically important and communicates our beliefs more than we may realize or even like.

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Crossing Dad’s Bridges

I'm the super organized and efficient type. Some may say control freak, but I prefer to see it as a strength that just needs flexibility! But what do I do when everything in my life looks out of control? What about all the answers for the future that I need?

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