Posts tagged Time Management
Home Base

Life often threatens to pounce. I am often, way too gullible and unaware that “the game is afoot” and, in my ignorance, get tagged into running and chasing and left huffing and puffing. Learn what tools the Lord offers to keep us from the wearying, out-of-breath life!

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Leftovers & Judgment

I am passionate about living my life from the perspective of eternity. Usually that lights a fire under me, but on this occasion, the Lord gave me the conviction that I needed to not make such a big deal out of some things in my life!

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Driving Myself Crazy

Want to reduce your stress and all the things that scream at you to do them RIGHT NOW? Want to drive in the most advantageous lane toward your destiny? Hustle is great, but sometime hustle is a treadmill to nowhere! Come read my blog for help evaluating if your hustle is heathy and helpful!

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Crossing Dad’s Bridges

I'm the super organized and efficient type. Some may say control freak, but I prefer to see it as a strength that just needs flexibility! But what do I do when everything in my life looks out of control? What about all the answers for the future that I need?

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