Calling. It’s a beautiful thing! It puts motivation in our steps and fire in our bones. But if we aren’t careful, we can get consumed with our calling. How do we keep things in the right perspective? How can we be sure to step out with backing from God?
I want to be loved and appreciated. No surprise there! We all want that, right? But sometimes we begin to wonder if those near us really love us for what we do more than who we are. We can even begin to wonder if God loves us with ulterior motives. How can we know?
Feeling out of sorts? The Lord knows better than you do what the core issue is and what will cure it. We may run to good things to try to find relief, but unless it is the RIGHT thing, we may be taking the wrong "medicine."
As believers in Jesus Christ, we are called to new life. What a blessed privilege! And although the pathway to this new life is counter intuitive, it makes sense to us spiritually. Are we able to get past the hurdles that keep us stagnant in our old life and receive the offer of new life that Christ died to purchased?
Is God our Cosmic Buddy or a Distant Tyrant? Or is He something else entirely? As humans we tend to gravitate toward one end of the spectrum or the other. But there is danger in the extremes and safety in the truth. What are those dangers and how can we reject our extremes and find the truth?
Sleeplessness. I’m sure it visits all of us at some point. Having had an unwelcome amount of experience with sleeplessness, I’m reflecting today on the conclusions people jump to, the things that hinder and some spiritual tools that help.
As the New Year was rolling around, I was feeling more and more dread of starting up my blog once again. As I began to seek the Lord He showed me that, at least for the time being, He wanted the blog to be simpler and more about my personal daily journey
To resolve or not to resolve! That’s so often the question as the New Year rolls in. But why should we set goals and what should my goals be framed around? Should I have grace for myself when I blow it with my goals (and I WILL blow it!)? On the blog I’ve pulled together advice for goal setting and a reminder for how the Lord sees the whole thing.
I would love to just catch a moment, a moment to sit and meditate on the message of Christmas, to sip from a hot mug and enjoy a crackling fire. BUT.... life often has a way of sabotaging my plans. And when it does, I’m reminded that “moments” are great, but there’s something far greater that my Abba has as a gift for me.
This season of Thanksgiving can be a challenge for some of us who are going through a difficult time. How do you begin when you can’t seem to find gratitude in your heart?
Want to reduce your stress and all the things that scream at you to do them RIGHT NOW? Want to drive in the most advantageous lane toward your destiny? Hustle is great, but sometime hustle is a treadmill to nowhere! Come read my blog for help evaluating if your hustle is heathy and helpful!
I have an unfortunate tendency to take things personally when people go out of their way to hurt me. But as I've been given "opportunities" to learn how to deal with "jerks," I've learned 3 very important things.
Times of strain and struggle, of waiting and wondering are difficult in and of themselves. But often we add to the burden of these times by listening to guilt-laden voices that tell us that because we are having a difficult time, we must be doing something wrong or failing in our faith. The Lord showed me His heart toward my heart fatigue through words spoken by my husband recently.
Do you struggle with feeling that you aren't doing what you are supposed to be doing unless you are running full tilt? Me too! But I recently learned a few things about myself and the Lord during a time when He told me to stop running for a minute and let Him work.
Most people go through a season of loneliness. When we are in the midst of it, we can feel we are the only ones to ever feel the sting of isolation and the rejection we think it implies. Yet we are not alone and there is a purpose to the season. Exploring and learning from this season not only ushers us out of the season, it will develop Christ-likeness if we allow it.
Life becomes drudgery when we don't invest in our well being by having fun! But is this Biblical? Are we supposed to have fun? Read my latest blog entry and give me your feedback on your views of fun and how you have it. Most importantly, remind yourself today to HaVe FuN!