How effective do you desire to be in your daily work? Whatever field we are in, our work has eternal value. How can we make sure we are having the impact the Lord intends us to have?
I had studied and learned, but my reaction to a fresh rejection proved that I had only acquired knowledge, not the strength that comes through applying that knowledge. How do I go from knowing the truth beforehand, to actually being able to tap into those truths in the moment of rejection when my emotions cloud over the truth?
Are you setting goals this New Year? If you are, I’m sure you have the best of intentions. Many of us make goals, but few stick with them. How can you craft goals that are keep-able and that you actually WANT to keep? I’d like to help! I’ve had New Years goals for nearly every year of my life and I think I’ve learned a thing or two that I’d love to pass on to you!
So you want to be used by God? Who doesn’t!? Here’s a simple way that you can cooperate with what God is doing — and anyone can do it! Someone may be praying for a loved one right now — and You May Be the Answer!
I am passionate about living my life from the perspective of eternity. Usually that lights a fire under me, but on this occasion, the Lord gave me the conviction that I needed to not make such a big deal out of some things in my life!
Have you ever felt that you’ve missed it? - that one chance; that perfect timing; that singular opportunity for seeing the fulfillment of your dearest dreams? Well, not only are you not alone, there’s only two things you really need to do about it. I learned this during a recent conversation I had with the Lord and it brought such relief and peace to me, that I just had to share it with you.
Have you ever felt stuck? - just absolutely wedged between the impossibilities of life? Look out! Something beautiful happens when everything feels impossible!
In any given day, there’s much more to do than there are hours in that day. And yet we are called to be so much more than task-accomplishing machines. The Hubs and I learned this as parents, but it applies to much more important areas of life as well.
Calling. It’s a beautiful thing! It puts motivation in our steps and fire in our bones. But if we aren’t careful, we can get consumed with our calling. How do we keep things in the right perspective? How can we be sure to step out with backing from God?
I had a revelation a few Sundays ago as I worshipped standing next to the Hubs. Something has changed over the years, most unexpectedly. There is beauty to be heard in harmony that there isn’t in sameness. But most of us can’t find the harmony because we lack the essential element necessary.
As the New Year was rolling around, I was feeling more and more dread of starting up my blog once again. As I began to seek the Lord He showed me that, at least for the time being, He wanted the blog to be simpler and more about my personal daily journey
To resolve or not to resolve! That’s so often the question as the New Year rolls in. But why should we set goals and what should my goals be framed around? Should I have grace for myself when I blow it with my goals (and I WILL blow it!)? On the blog I’ve pulled together advice for goal setting and a reminder for how the Lord sees the whole thing.
Want to reduce your stress and all the things that scream at you to do them RIGHT NOW? Want to drive in the most advantageous lane toward your destiny? Hustle is great, but sometime hustle is a treadmill to nowhere! Come read my blog for help evaluating if your hustle is heathy and helpful!
Life becomes drudgery when we don't invest in our well being by having fun! But is this Biblical? Are we supposed to have fun? Read my latest blog entry and give me your feedback on your views of fun and how you have it. Most importantly, remind yourself today to HaVe FuN!
I'm the super organized and efficient type. Some may say control freak, but I prefer to see it as a strength that just needs flexibility! But what do I do when everything in my life looks out of control? What about all the answers for the future that I need?
Is the "someday" myth holding you back? It can be a powerful illusion that keeps you stuck in the waiting room of life. What are you waiting for? It's time for you to get un-stuck!